March Update…

March Update… The New Omnibus Edition – Draychester Chronicles 1-3 & the prequel all in one  place for the first time. March, and spring time is not far away here in northern England. It’s been a long winter in many ways and like most of us I am looking forward to better days ahead. Still, […]

Touch wood or Knock on wood? God bless you?

Touch wood or Knock on wood? God bless you? The effigy of a crusader knight, carved in wood around 1280, can be found in Southwark Cathedral, London. He has a shiny nose for a reason… Another hangover from our distant past, at least in Britain, “knocking on wood” or “touch wood” (the usual phrase and action for speakers of […]

And then there were three

And Then There Were Three Preparations for the release of the third book in my Draychester Chronicles series have taken longer than first planned even though we are still in strict lockdown here in England. I’m pleased to say Death of the Anchorite is now available. Will, Bernard and Osbert are once again on a […]