About the Author
Many thanks for showing an interest in my books. They are for the most part basically light entertainment. They aren’t intended to be literary fiction, they are intended to make you laugh, enjoy the ride and spend a few hours in escape from the daily grind. Having said that I do try and make my historical novels as accurate as possible to the period of history they are set in. I am always happy to hear what readers think of my books, so feel free to drop me a line.
PS. You can also catch up with my latest book research on the blog page.

Remains of Radcliffe Tower in the 19th Century
M J Westerbone was born in the small industrial mill town of Radcliffe in the old county of Lancashire in the North West of England. From an early age he had a keen interest in history fueled by the fact there were the remains of a ruined medieval manor house (Radcliffe Tower) virtually on his doorstep. Deciding a career in archaeology or as a historian in all likelihood wouldn't pay the bills he focused on IT. He has been the director of an IT and Telecoms business for many years whilst continuing his passion for history by writing historical novels. He is married and lives with his wife in Lancashire.

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